Dr. Sarah Pearson

Astrophysicist, Science Communicator & Public Speaker

Flyer for Sarah's recent live show.

Public outreach

Sarah actively documents her life as an astrophysicist with the goal of sharing knowledge with a broad audience. In 2017, she created the YouTube channel “Space with Sarah”, where she answers the most frequently posed questions within astronomy. The channel has more than 140,000 views. Throughout her career, she has given numerous public outreach lectures, she has been featured on both live Danish (TV2 News) and US national TV (HLN & NBC), and she has participated in several podcast.

Recent & highlighted events:

Live solo outreach show "The Infinite Universe" at Bremen Theatre, January 2025
Live podcast recording of RumSnak's 100th episode at Bremen Theatre, October 2024
Astronomy outreach video collaboration with @ScienceKU's Instagram page.
Verdensklassen podcast interview with Stephanie Surrugue and Anders Agger, DR Lyd, link (Danish), April 2023
Weekendavisen "Ideas" columns, June 2023, January 2023, September 2022, June 2022, April 2022
Spaced Out Podcast, interview, NYU Abu Dhabi, link, October 2022
Digital Guest Teacher, Danish Ministry of Education, video series, May 2021
Lecturer at Simons Presents, Simons Foundation, NYC, Dark matter, March 2021
Speaker at the World Science Festival, NYC, June 1st, 2019. Read more here>>

Ongoing and recent projects

Sarah's three main goals with her outreach are: 1) to share knowledge on our Universe with a broad audience 2) to make science more accessible to the public 3) to inspire young, new scientists and break the stereotype of who is a scientist.

YouTubeSarah shares knowledge on our Universe through short videos on YouTube. The topics are selected based on the most frequently asked astronomy related questions she receives from non-astronomers in her everyday life.
InstagramUsing Instagram, Sarah documents her everyday life as a computational astrophysicist, science communicator and young physicist, with goals of inspiring young women to pursue science and tech careers.
Ideas columnSarah writes a bi-monthly column in the Danish newspapaer Weekendavisen with the goal of sharing knowledge on astronomy, physics and science through relatable columns.
Public talksSarah often gives public lectures on astronomy related topics in both NYC and Denmark. She is passionate about storytelling, and she takes pride in pitching her talk at the appropriate level.

TVSarah has been live interviewed on TV2 news and CNNs sister channel: HNL on topics of solar and lunar eclipses as well as NASA's space probes. She's also been on NBC New York Live.
WritingSarah loves writing, both scientifically and for popular science outlets. She has done several collaborations with Danish magazines such as Videnskab.dk and the Kvant Magazine.

Latest YouTube video

Danish and English subtitles available.


Interview with Fraser Cain

Interview about dark matter for Universe Today's YouTube.

Interview with Prof. David Kipping

Cool Worlds interview about the Space with Sarah YouTube channel.

Interview with Columbia University

Interview about PhD thesis for Columbia Giving Day.