Dr. Sarah Pearson

Astrophysicist, Science Communicator & Public Speaker

Stellar streams from Pearson et al. 2024


Sarah Pearson is an Assistant Professor at the University of Copenhagen, where she runs the Extragalactic Streams Group, focused on galactic dynamics and dark matter. Pearson's two passions are astrophysics research and communicating astrophysics. She has extensive experience giving lectures to both scientific peers and to non-scientific audiences. Follow these links for more details on her Publications (ADS), CV (pdf), and Research.

(2025) Job update: The searches for PhD candidates and postdoc positions are complete, and all offers have been accepted.
(2025) Find our new paper, led by C. Fielder, which reveals a rich accretion event surrounding an LMC dwarf galaxy analog, here arXiv: 2501.04089.
(2024) Our new paper forecasting the missing population of globular cluster streams in the Milky Way has been published in ApJ: Pearson et al. 2024.
(2024) I'm excited to announce that I have been accepted as a new member of the Danish Young Academy.
(2024) I received an ERC starting grant! I'm very excited to expand the Extragalactic Streams Group at U. Copenhagen in the years to come!